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Georgia DePuy Hip Implant Recall


Patients in Georgia who have received DePuy ASR hip implants may have claims for defective product liability if their implants failed.  In 2010, after years of receiving complaints from patients and doctors that their hip implants were causing complications, DePuy Orthopedics Inc. recalled two of its DePuy ASR (Articular Surface Replacement) Hip Implants.  Studies showed that patients who received the ASR hip implants experienced pain that required second hip replacement surgeries.  The DePuy implants have caused patients to experience hip failures, metallosis, and cobaltism (a blood disorder that causes serious injuries, cancer, or even death if untreated) because it exposes patients’ bloodstreams to toxic levels of cobalt and chromium.  Patients who have experienced hip pain, metallosis, cobaltism, or a failed hip replacement device from DePuy must have the ASR hip replaced.
